Health & Wellbeing

During Men's Health Week, which runs from Monday, June 10th to Sunday, June 16th, the focus is on promoting awareness to: 

This years theme is 'Know Your Numbers' and the key message to everyone is men's health counts. 

Men are often told not to talk about their health. However, for Men's Health Week 2024, we are encouraging men to share their stories. 

We have been inspired by King Charles, who recently shared that he had an issue with an enlarged prostate. Following his announcement, there was a significant increase in visits to the relevant National Health Service website page and Prostate Cancer UK saw a nearly twofold increase in the number of users of its online risk checker. 

This demonstrates the positive impact that open and honest sharing can have. While most of us may not have the same influence as the King, it is essential to recognise that breaking the taboo around men talking about their health is crucial. 

To break a taboo is to simply ignore it!