STC Student Hubs

Discussion of the week

Every week, we ask our learners one question that provokes thought... It may be about their current situation at home, at work on in their education programme. This weeks question is

Can you describe what new learning or skills you have gained, and how can you use it in your workplace, or to progress to employment? 

Discuss your answer with your tutor/assessor at your next session!

The following generic information is relevant for all of our learners, regardless of the qualification, or programme that you are registered on. 

This is the place that our learners come to for support. This is YOUR space!

We fill this space with any resources or tools that we feel will help you in your course, career and beyond. The content that you find here is content that we believe is important for you to succeed confidently, but isn't likely to be covered within your course content (with the odd exception 😉).

You will find content such as digital skills, tutorials on the tools that you might need to use in your sessions, such as Onefile, google classroom and manage assess... What we need from you is FEEDBACK! We need to know what you want to learn, are our monthly updates helpful? Are they interesting, or have they helped you progress quickly? We can build our community to help you be the best version of you! All you need to do is keep engaging with us.

Happy hubbing STCer's 😀

Important and useful links

Click on the picture of the STC Learner handbook for your downloadable copy.

This contains useful information such as

Please click here to confirm that you have viewed the learner handbook

Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy

IAG Policy Statement

It is the policy of Specialist Trade Courses Limited, to ensure that all learners and prospective learners have access to high quality impartial and confidential Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) at every stage of their learning journey. This enables them to take responsibility for their life choices, make informed decisions and progress in learning and work. We want them to achieve their full potential and succeed in life.

STC is committed to ensuring that everyone who accesses our services are supported in making informed choices about their future and their personal and career development.

Where STC Training does not have the information, the IAG Team / Employees will seek the information on behalf of the individual or provide the individual with the name and contact details of the organisation, which will have the information being requested.

As part of this, we promote our belief that every individual should be treated with courtesy and fairness and we respect the rights and beliefs of each other, regardless of gender, marital status, age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or position within the organisation.

This Policy applies to:-