Functional Skills for Apprentices
What are Functional Skills?
Functional Skills are an integral part of delivering apprenticeships in the UK.
If you’re an employer employing an apprentice or a training provider training an apprentice, you will have seen them listed as requirements on the apprenticeship standards.
Every apprentice will need to provide evidence that they have achieved Functional Skills qualifications or some equivalent. (More on the equivalents later.)
Functional Skills are the basic skills that all people need to be able to operate confidently and successfully in work and life.
Functional Skills provide learning tools that enable apprentices to:
Apply their knowledge and understanding to everyday life;
Engage competently and confidently with others;
Solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar problems; and
Develop personally and professionally.
Why are Functional Skills Important to Apprenticeships?
Functional Skills are a key component in all the apprenticeship standards.
Achieving a Functional Skills qualification demonstrates that an apprentice has all the skills they need in English and maths to be able to engage with their programme. They help apprentices to develop and secure the broader range of aptitudes, attitudes and behaviours.
For all apprenticeships that TQUK offers End-Point Assessment for, either Level 1 or Level 2 Functional Skills qualifications are required.
In some circumstances, achieving Level 1 Functional Skills qualifications and attempting a Level 2 is sufficient.
All Functional Skills qualifications must be completed before the Gateway stage of the apprenticeship.
So, lets talk about Maths and English! If you already have exemptions or achievements at the correct level for your qualification you will not need to complete formal examinations, however if you hold a L1 qualification and are completing a L2 we will continue to deliver learning at the next level, you will be required to sit L2 but its not an essential requirement to pass it. However, your existing skills will be developed and built upon, at STC we will be aiming to stretch existing knowledge and skills to make you the best version of you 😎
L2 Qualifications require you to have an exemption or achievement at L1 and have attempted L2
L3 Qualifications require you to have an exemption or achievement at L2
If you think you have other exemptions that mean you do not need to sit a functional skills exam, please speak with your tutor.
Try some of our recommended resources, no cost involved, and see how you get on. You can see what your strengths and weaknesses are and shout it out to your tutor (You can thank us later)!
Pass Functional Skills | Ofqual Regulated Exams & Courses
More industry Specific Functional Skills Support can be found in your qualification page