End Point Assessment
End Point Assessment is more commonly referred to as EPA, you will have been given a full and thorough explanation when you enrolled so here's a simple overview of EPA, it might vary slightly depending on your Individual Apprenticeship. Achievement grades also vary from a Pass, Merit, Distinction depending on the qualification.
Some qualifications require a project to be completed, this usually commences around month 9.
Situational Judgement Test or Knowledge test
Multiple Choice Online Tests
Professional Discussion
Project Presentation
Individual Qualification requirements can be found on the pages relating to your Sector.
Once you have completed all elements of EPA , you will usually receive your results within 10-14 working days and your tutor will call you to notify you of the results.
In the event of a resit being required you will work with your tutor on some additional preparations just to refresh knowledge.
Certificates can take up to 12 weeks to be produced and submitted - this is where we need to have a little patience as this is out of the control of STC but we will support you to access these if they have not been received within this time.
The following has been taken from IfATE - regarding preparation for EPA
Ensure the apprentices understand the link between their training and their EPA
Mock assessments and specimen portfolio examples should be readily available for apprentices
Preparation should be discussed at every review meeting
Appropriate study leave and support should be given for all assessments
Set targets that are clearly linked to the requirements of the EPA
Training providers should host sessions solely focused on EPA preparation throughout the apprenticeship
Apprentices should know who their EPAO is (so that they can search for appropriate supporting materials) and be supported to familiarise themselves with the nature and requirements of the EPA
Feedback on formative assignments should be actioned and followed up on, during review meetings with the training provider, employer and apprentice
Employers and training providers should look to stretch and challenge the apprentices to go beyond their expectations
Apprentice welfare and wellbeing should be a priority. Any reasonable adjustments that are required for an apprentice during the end-point assessment should be requested and put in place