STC Personal Development Curriculum

A Personal Development Curriculum is a structured plan of learning activities and strategies designed to foster self-improvement and skill development. It encompasses a range of topics, from goal setting and time management to emotional intelligence and communication skills. The aim is to help individuals become more self-aware, resilient, and capable of managing their personal and professional lives effectively. Your training with us at STC is not only about acquiring new knowledge on the topics within your course, but also about refining one's mindset, attitudes, and behaviours to promote lifelong growth and adaptability.

STC want learners to follow a personal development curriculum because it equips them with essential skills that extend beyond technical or vocational abilities. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing job market, employers increasingly value attributes like problem-solving, leadership, and the ability to adapt to new challenges. By encouraging learners to focus on personal growth, STC ensures that you are not only prepared for your immediate roles but are also capable of thriving in future positions or careers. This holistic approach to education fosters well-rounded individuals who are better prepared for the complexities of both work and personal life.

The Personal Development Curriculum aligns with the our mission, as well as our core values, and enhance employability and long-term career success. It provides you, the learners with the tools to continually assess and improve yourself, which can lead to higher job satisfaction, productivity, and success in your chosen fields.

You will see the PDC criteria in your portfolios, and you and your assessor will work together to highlight where you have covered these areas, and upload evidence to showcase this. 

Read below to discover the content of STC's Personal Development Curriculum, and some example activities that may be undertaken to meet this criteria. 


C1 - I can respect British Values during my everyday working and learning activities

C2 - I can demonstrate an awareness of personal responsibility

C3 - I am improving my own social awareness

C4 - I can maintain healthy relationships with others

C5 - I promote inclusivity through my actions

Some examples activities you may experience during your programme are - 

Community projects, debate and discussions, interaction around different cultures, demonstrating skills to keep the workplace or learning environment clean, tidy and positive, working in teams or pairs, listening to others opinions and accepting that these may be valid.


I1 - I can work on set tasks with confidence

I2 - I am comfortable showing my individuality

I3 - My actions are driving my own progress towards my personal goals

I4 - I act with integrity

Some examples activities you may experience during your programme are - 

Personal reflection, journals and action planning, creative projects, demonstrating the ability to work and behave as if you were not being observed, making responsible choices that help to move you closer to your goal, being yourself


W1 - I am able to promote healthy eating and hygiene

W2 - I can maintain personal safety

W3 - I stay active

W4 - I understand what Consent means

W5 - I can recognise common risks to wellbeing

W6 - I am able to safeguard myself and others around me

Some examples activities you may experience during your programme are - 

Working safely, responsibly and respectfully at all times, ensuring risk assessments are completed, carrying out training tasks on safeguarding and wellbeing, reporting concerns to a relevant person if you, or someone else may be at risk, listening to others, making positive food and exercise choices


E1 - I can identify and communicate what my aspirations are

E2 - I have personal interests that drive my aspirations forward

E3 - I am able to remove barriers to learning and working

E4 - I can advance my own employability

Some examples activities you may experience during your programme are - 

Carry out self evaluation, and use this information to create meaningful goals and targets, create vision boards to communicate your goals, talk openly with tutors and others about your progress, goals and barriers, work positively to remove or reduce barriers, work with others to promote your own employability, build a CV, attend interviews and trade tests


S1 - I am engaging in meaningful Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

S2 - I am preparing for future learning or training

S3 - I am preparing for future employment

S4 - I can demonstrate the ability to work and learn independently

Some examples activities you may experience during your programme are - 

Attend workshops and enrichment around budgeting, careers advice, self employment and right to work. Demonstrate the ability to attend lessons or work on time, and dressed appropriately for the tasks expected of me, speak with careers advisors and specialists who may be able to help me gain employment.


M1 - I can demonstrate the use of maths and numbers in my everyday working and learning activities

M2 - I can demonstrate the use of English and communication in my everyday working and learning activities

M3 - I can demonstrate the use digital skills in my everyday working and learning activities

M4 - I communicate positively with others

Some examples activities you may experience during your programme are - 

Take part in activities relating to time management, money and budgeting, percentages and quotations. Read as much as possible, and take care when writing answers, checking spellings and trying your best to use correct English grammar. Talk politely, using appropriate language, and communicate digitally where appropriate. Use online systems such as portfolios.