HBA Learner Feedback

Your feedback is important to us

At the end of each session, we ask our learners to sign out and leave us some anonymous feedback. The feedback is anonymous to give learners the confidence to be honest about their thoughts, and of course, each learner has the option of leaving their details and requesting to speak to someone about their feedback should they wish to. 

It is important that you give us feedback so that we can continue to make improvements where you need it the most!

How do we stack up? 

Academic Year 22/23

How was your session?

76.61% of our learners rate their session a 5 out of 5, with only 12.71% rating their session a 3 or below!

Did you meet the aims of your session?

91.76% of learners agreed that they had met the aims of their session, with only 8.24% saying 'some' or 'none' of their targets were met!

We update these monthly - so you can see how we are performing

See below for the run down of the year so far!

HBA Division Feedback Form.xlsx